Thursday, January 3, 2008

Another 07 review?

I guess it's that time of year again to take an intro and retrospective look at yourself and how the last year has treated you. In the words of my copywriter, last year treated me 'like a baby treats a diaper'. Ok, it wasn't that bad. He said that one day after I asked how the golf courses are treating him this year and I'll never forget it. He is a hilarious king of one liners and I just had to throw that in there.

Anyway, 2007 was a good one. I am horrible at keeping a journal or remembering all of the events throughout the year but here is a quick rundown of my (our) 2007.

Best day of the year:
>The birth of Mason - 1/22/07

Scariest day of the year:
>Day after birth of Mason - reality set in and I was officially a father.

Worst day of the year:

>My 30th birthday - I've always been indifferent about birthdays, but this one was different. The big 3-0 felt like a giant police car spotlight waking me from a deep sleep.

Saddest day of the year:
>Every Monday that's not a holiday

Biggest events:
>Birth of Mason
>Kim's new home business - selling children's books,
>My new job

Things I'll miss:
>Holding Mason as an infant
>My 32 inch waist - hopefully I'll get that back this year but then you know I'm 30 now. I'm not holding my breath.
>My childhood home in Sandy - Grandma and Grandpa decided to move to Ogden where they can be closer to their favorite child - Steve.

Things I won't miss:
>USU Football - I can't wait for the season to start, but we gotta have a better year
>3 a.m. feedings

Best Movies:
>Ocean's 13
>Borne Ultimatum

2007 Stats:
>Babies - 1
>Diapers - 1,825
>Baby Bottles - 960
>Baby Food - 540 containers
>Dates with Kim - About half as many as 2006
>Pounds gained - Don't want to talk about it
>Smiles - Many more with Mason in our lives

Overall this has been a great year. On my 30th birthday I think my Dad could tell I was a little down about it. He brought me back to reality by reminding me that I have a beautiful wife and healthy son, a good job, a roof over my head and the love of everyone around me. That sums up '07 quite well. He is a wise man.

Happy New Year.