Monday, December 17, 2007

Oh Crap, I Grew Up!!!

I saw a advertisement today that cracked me up. It made it through the Marketing and Advertising industry pretty fast, and once you see it you'll know why. The expression 'It's funny because it's true' has never been more accurate. (Warning this is PG-13)

It got me thinking about the things we want when we are kids. As children we usually put our rose colored glasses on when we see adults doing what they do. Dad would leave for work every morning with his fancy suit on in a nice shiny car off to this magical place called work. I wanted to be just like him, doing what he did. Little did I know that Dad liked what he did, but it was still work. And it was hard work. Mom 'got to' go shopping and buy us clothes and play with kids in her preschool and there was nothing wrong with the world. Mom, of course, was always happy but it wasn't the dream world I saw as a kid.

I know I grew up in a very blessed situation and never really saw the 'real world' but most kids don't see or experience the real world no matter what situation they grow up in. Many less fortunate children growing up in the slums of the world make due with what they have and have fun doing what they do. I guess it is better that way. If we really knew how things were going to work out, like the kids in this ad, I think we would lose all ambition and desire.

Now I'm in advertising, and once again I can't wait until I'm in the position my Dad is in. Retired, living in a new, paid for home, and loving every minute of it. At least that's what it looks like through these rose colored glasses I'm wearing.

1 comment:

Marianne and Matt said...

Thanks for putting "tight Line Flyer" back up......I know it was all for me:) No but really I do love your writing and you seem to always have some interesting tid bit on your mind!!